- 25
- 2015
Dr.Horisawa of Team Dr. Taira
Dr. Horisawa of Team Dr. Taira of the World !!!
★ 疲れて、無精髭で、髪も切れなくて、裸足でも、(裸足だった)
Dr. Hirosawa ,over-worked , unshaven , probably un-showered , barely slept , with bare feet, but still eager to see as many patients as he can .
★ 私の足と顔の症状は、堀澤せんせいの、「研究魂」にかかっています。
the out come of the surgery , and the effects on my face and feet ( practically the whole body ) , is literally depending on the doctors .
★ 脳は、胸のペースメーカーでコントロールされていて、
my brain is controlled by the generators in my chests ,
and the generators controlled with iPad handled by the doctors .
★ 私の需要に合った電極 (タップダンスに必要な動きが出来る)を探すために、一生懸命です。
he is eager to listen to me, and eager to know what I need , and what ”tap dance is all about ” ,so that he can help me getting on my feet .
★ 私には、堀澤せんせいが 「救世主」に見えます。
he looks like a ” Savior ” to me.