何卒、なにとぞ  りずむK

  • MAY
  • 8
  • 2015



One thing that I can not miss is that miss seeing her ,in Tokyo !!! 

and I have to see to it that she is eating right and being well !!!







たくさんのサポートをしてくれた、日本のみんなに、アナウンスする時、このポイントを、言ってねぇええええ!! だって。(笑)

she wanted to make sure that I cover those things  , when I make the announcement about her , because a lot of people in Japan have supported her going through the rehab .


(ひゅぅ♬ ひゅう♬)

she has finished doing  the rehab of heart program (Look at me !!!)  and has lost a lot of weight!!! 

have lost weight !!! wow wow !!! (she is saying )

★2、もう コーヒーに「」クリーム9個とか入れ」とか、ご飯に「バターどっさり乗せ」とか、ご飯の後に「クロワッサン5個」やってないよ!!!

NO MORE 9 creams in a cup of coffee !!
NO MORE Butter on rIce!!
NO MORE Croissants after eating rice!!!


NO MORE 9 creams in a cup of coffee !!
NO MORE Butter on rIce!!
NO MORE Croissants after eating rice!!!



and now, she is going into the program for diabetes when she gets back to the US, and will loose more weight !!!  

and Next time coming back to Japan , she would be wearing my pants and jacket!!!

next time coming back to Japan, I will be wearing Rhythm's pants . (she said )

そして、 私は「ダイアンより先に、タップ辞めれないね」といい、



(つづく、、、) りずむK 

and I promised her to keep trying to get on my feet , as long as she is trying ,

and she promised me to keep working hard on her diet , as long as I’m trying to stay on my feet .

and she said

” SO, we are on the same stage,

and we will do the Victory Dance together one of these days !!! ”  

and off she went .

TO Be Continue ,,,,,

I LOVE YOU !!!!!


'' SO, we are on the same stage and we will do the Victory Dance together one of these days !!! ''