★ 1週間前のオペの時と同じ感じで、ほぼ水の中に、僅かなバイキンは検出されたけど、まだ抗生剤で、抑え込めるレベルじゃないか?
★ 年末、年始、そして先週の感染で、同じ場所ばっかり切ってるから、傷のくっつきが非常に悪くなってると想うから、今日はかなり、しっかり縫っておきます。
(※ 昨日「もう抜糸して良い」という判断が間違ってたんじゃないの?Dr堀澤も診てもいないのに、GOサイン出すし???)
On Monday, I had an appointment with my doctors (there are two of them, because they said that they wanted to make sure the wound was OK.
So I went to see my doctors( or at least one of them ),
It turned out , my doctors had emergency surgery ( brain surgeons always seem to have emergency something )
so they didn’t show up, but the young doctor in same team came down to check my wound.
he said that the wound looks Nice, and healing well.
and called my doctor to ask him his opinion .
Note the young doctor asked my doctor’s opinion, even though he didn’t see my wound,
and my doctor Oked it, and the young doctor removed my stitches .
and Next morning, I woke up and found out that the wound did not look ”Good” at all .
It was swollen and red and looked as though it was just about to explode in any minute .
I jumped on the cab and went to the hospital ,and it did explod in the cab.
The young doctor (again),came to take care of it.
He said that they have been cutting and sewing the same spot ,again and again ( that was the 5th time they saw the same spot , to be exact !!) that it looked like it takes longer to stick than usual wound.
So he washed the wound up and stitched it again. (that was the 5th stitches ,in a year)
My questions are
A) why a doctor who did not know how it looked like , because he didn’t came down to see the wound , said ” OK” and gave the young doctor an instruction to remove the stitches.
B) Why did they remove the stitches, if they knew that the wound had been cut & sewed many times, that the wound would take longer to stick together .
the thing is , there was NO POINT What-So-Ever , to rush removing the stitches !!!!
and here I am in pain with the newly sewed up wound ,again.
this whole thing sucks !!!! Period !!!
Rhythm K.