( ※ 通院にて、破けた傷口を、縫う事、2回。)
8、2016年3月2日 退院 (傷の経過、待ち)
※ 片方だけで、どこまで、苦痛が軽減できるのか?
※ 元々は、左右のペースメーカー、リード共に、身体に入って、1年間落ち着いてた。
※ いつになるのか?わからない。
※ 先生も「この方法は、不確か」と言うくらいだから、私は今は決断できない。
※ 「目が完全に治るか?」も不確かな上に、足への影響も「多分、大丈夫」という状況。
※ 目が治らない上に、足も使えない、となったら、この先40年、どうやって生きていくんだろうか?という不安しかない。
※ 「私どもは、販売会社で、メーカーに問い合わせていますが、メーカー「セントジュード」の本社がアメリカの会社なので、セントジュードの日本支社に問い合わせてるけど、まだ何も言えません」と、言い続ける。
※ それを言うの、何回目?
※ 言う事がないのに「カッコだけ」つけて来て、貴重な診察の時間を無駄にしないでください。
※ 今は「傷の問題」もあるから、私は毎回、診察で裸になる。見せ物じゃないですから。大勢きて、眺めるのやめてください。(何も言えないなら、役に立たないくせに来ないで!!!)
※ オペの立会いも「何も分からず、何も言えない」ならやめてください。年末のオペもいたけど、解らないんじゃ意味ない。年始のオペは、全身麻酔だから、全裸でした。「見せ物」じゃないです。 怒!!!!!
※ 日本人は「言わないだけ」じゃないか?と思う。
※ 死者が出るまで、これだけ問題あるリードを販売しておいても、表に出て来ないんじゃないの?それでいいの?
※ 「リードの断線で死者が出てから」でいいの?私、すでに、この2ヶ月で、何回も死にたくなったけど、、。
株式会社プリエス & セントジュード 様
多くの人が「ジストニア 死にたい」という検索ワードで、私のHPを訪れますが、思わず「ジストニア 私にたい」という言葉を打ち込んで、検索してしまう気持ちが、痛いほど解ります。
http://www.sjm.co.jp/ ←セントジュードメディカル
(st Jude medical japan )
http://www.sjm.com/corporate.aspx ←St.Jude Medical (U.S.)
http://www.prites.jp/ ←株式会社プリエス( Prites )
the pace-maker & and the lead ( taken out from my body )
販売 「株式会社プリエス」
製造 「セントジュード メディカル」
Sold by Prites
Made by St, Jude Medical
Dear Friends
Thank you for supporting me sending messages and informations .
my Parents say that I should just concentrate on curing dystonia,
and Don’t bother with this.
But certain things I just can’t let go of.
while So many people are suffering from the ”bad product” .
more than enough people had problems with St.Jude Medical products. (a few even died)↓↓
In terms of ” Bad Products” ,
”Bad pace-makers or broken leads
”could be Not just Bad.
But ” Crucial and Lethal ”.
my case
1, Dec. 2015 they found out the left lead was broken. (1st surgery)
2, Jan, 2016 Put a new lead in my body ( 2nd surgery )
3, Jan,2016 the wound kept been swollen and looked bad , tried antibiotic, and sort of settled for a few days .
4, Jan,2016 the wound was broken open and they washed the wound stitched it up ( 3rd time stitching up the wound)
5, Jan 2016 the wound was open again and they stitched it up again (4th time stitching the wound )
6, Feb 2016 the doctors decided the antibiotic wasn’t good enough , that I needed stronger antibiotics ,so I was hospitalized for IVs. (did it for entire one week)
7, Feb 2016 the doctors decided that even the IVs were not working, that my body antagonizing the pace-maker ( or the pace-maker antagonizing my body ), the pace-maker started sticking out from my body. ( you could see it )
8, Feb 2016 They decided that it wasn’t working , thus another surgery to take the pace-maker & the lead out. (3rd surgery and 5th time stitching up )
the thing is that,
there were (and maybe there are ) so many St,Jude Medical’s ” Lead Problems ” in the U.S. and in Canada.
there were even class actions and such. (of course St jude had lost)
Here in Japan?
the company which sold the pace-maker to the hospital (Prites) keeps saying
that the maker’s company is in the U.S.
And that they would have to wait for maybe 3 months or so , while they run the through investigations .
they wouldn’t be able to say anything until they hear from the U.S. Brunch.
My Points are
1, Why takes so long, when they already have so many similar cases? . (it is Nothing New about it for them !!! )
2, ”My Treatment” is in the middle of No Where, now that they have taken out my left pace-maker. the doctors have to see what they can do with one pace-maker.
3, When it doesn’t work with one pace-maker, we would have to think about another way . ( meaning another surgery )
4, In that case,( in case we do another surgery ), doctors still can’t guarantee that it would 100 % cure dystonia . ( the method is kind of new, and there were only 4 people who did it , before me)
5, Not only that ,if we try that ” another surgery ” the doctors can’t guarantee what would happen to my feet. (legs)
※ So I’m not ready to try something ” SO NEW ”.
※ As long as I stick with DBS ( the pace-makers), I could always stop the pace-makers, and my feet would go back to normal . (meaning I could tap dance again)
※ But if we try the other method , Nobody can guarantee what is gonna happen to my feet, and once you do it, you can’t undo it.
( because they would burn ” certain part of the brain ” to cure dystonia , even if something happens to my feet, they can’t undo it )
※ what if it turns out, Not only they can’t fix my eyes ,and it turned out I can’t move my feet, either ????
※ my question is what can I do the rest of my life ( I still have to live another 40 years or so. even though I desperately want to die )
I’m just not ready to take the chance.
Since the selling company ( Prites ) & the St. Jude Medical in Japan,
keep saying that they have to wait for the answers from the U.S.
I would appreciate any information about St,Jude Medical’s Problems. (in the past and now!!!)
While they had So Many Problems in the U.S. and in Canada,
Why there were None in Japan ?????
I’m afraid that Japanese people just don’t say it ( Speak up ), even when it is necessary .
I just can’t let go of this case .
Please Help me, find out the way, even though the system is too different here in Japan, and there are No Such Things as ” Class Actions” here,
but It just shouldn’t be like ” leave it at that”,
I just can’t let it go.
Rhythm K.