around the eye & Muller Muscle
I was introduced to a New Doctor, an Ophthalmologist.
Dr, Matsuo who has been studying specifically ” eye lids” ,” muscles around the eyes” and a muscle called ”Muller Muscle”(MM) and the ” relationships between the brain and MM”
”Muller Muscle” (MM)
( I think its a German name)
there are MMs above and below your eyes.
(the red lines are the MMs)
red lines are the MMs
the MM above the eye does (Upper eyelids)
1, when you pull the MM, the eye opens .
2, when you pull the MM a bit stronger , it pulls up the eyebrow.
3 when you pull the MM too strong, the eye closes.
in my case the doctor suspected that
A) my MMs are ” Pulled way too strong ( or broken in the middle ),
B) thus MMs are forcing my eyes to close shut.
C) because when you pull the MMs too strong , the eyes would be closed
For Him to make sure he was right , he run a test.
Putting a Certain Eye Drops in my upper eyelid.
A) this eyedrops is to ”Strengthen/ Shorten/ Shrink ”the MM
B) to see if the eye drops works(strengthen) the MM
C) if it does, the eye drops are supposed to open my eyes .
the result was this
(left) my normal eyes
(middle) when shrinking are too hard
(right) after the eye drops
the Test proves that I am diagnosed as ”ptosis palpebrae’’
A) my upper MMs are Pulling too Strong and/or broken in the middle
B) So the doctor would serve a surgery for the ‘ptosis palpebrae” for the upper eyelids.
C) by Putting the MM together and/or strengthen the MM.
that should Open my eyes easily .
and the Lower eyelids MMs.
even my eyes are open, there still are the ”Twitching ” issues.
the Twitching of the eyelids ( too many Blinks ),and the Twitching of the Cheeks.
There, he suspected, the lower MMs are working too strong , too tensed and grew too thick.
A) in case the MMs are too thick(strong),that would cause you the ” Twitching”
B) so this time he dropped some eye drops which would ” Relax the MMs ” to the lower MMs.
C) if it works the way it supposed to be , the Twitching were supposed to stop.
and the result was what he expected and he was satisfied with the result ,
that the eye drops stopped the Twitching of the eyes and the cheeks.
the result proves that I was diagnosed as ” Blepharospasm”
So I am Both ‘
”ptosis palpebrae’’(upper eyelids ) and
” Blepharospasm” ( Lower eyelids )
for the lower eyelids
A) the doctor would serve a surgery to Relax the MM
B) By Relaxing the MMs of the lower eyelids, it should stop twitching of my eyes and cheeks
C) Because the ” Tensed MMs” are the major reasons of the Twitching.
and he also mentioned
” the relationships between the brain and the MMs ”
it is way too complicated for me to comprehend .
I could only say that there are a lot of relationships between those two, as of now.
he asked me if I had
A) head aches ? (yes)
B) pain around the eyes? ( OH, YES! Big Time, 24/7)
C) the anxiety ( Yes all the time)
D) stiff shoulders and neck? ( Yes )
E) hard time sleeping ( insomnia ) ( Yes, Most of the time)
etc etc,
all my answers were Yes to that questions .
He said that the MMs are the Center of Controlling all those.
So, after the surgery and when my eye problems are gone, all those problems should be gone as well.
After what I have been through, I really can’t be too optimistic.
But I sort of king of saw the expected results , when he run the tests .
SO I think I will give it a shot , trying not to keep up my hopes , so that I wouldn’t be disappointed again.
and so that I would not disappoint my family and friends again.
but I just wanted to let you know that I have found another ” slightest hope ” and I will give it a GO.
the Doctor assured me that I have nothing to loose ( the chances of the risks ) but everything to gain.
Please Cross Your Fingers , the surgery will be in August .
Love XOXO Rhythm K.